We had graduation practice bright and early this morning. When my lovely madre got off work, we went shopping to try and find a dress for Graduation. We had fun spending time together :D We went to a Mexican restaurant & I paid for us to eat and she got a Margarita! It was the first time she had a drink in forever and she got a buzz, it was hilarious. It was just so nice to finally see her having a good time * enjoying herself for once, she deserves it. It truely made my heart smile. :)
I'm so blessed in life and I thank God every day for all that he's given me. However, there is something that's truely troubling my heart...all of my three brother's have no religion. They think Christianity is a joke. I believe they have hardened their hearts to the Lord and I feel like there is nothing I can do. It truely tears me up inside because i'm very close to them & I love them with all my heart. If anything ever happens to them, then I lose them forever. I want them to have a place in Heaven with me when our life on earth is up..but if they have already hardened their hearts, what can I do?
I've walked through a good many valleys, all leading me to the point I am at today. Two years ago I was lost & doubtful until I got saved and started out on an amazing journey...I just want everyone to experience the joy & love of a relationship with the Lord.
I don't know where all that came from...I guess it was just pressing on my heart & needed to be put into words.
I'm glad you got it out, beautiful, and I'm glad you and your mom had such a great time. You BOTH deserve that =) And I'll be praying for your brothers, most definitely. You can bet on that, beautiful